- Press
The international tennis season is coming to an end, but in 2021 the list of activities is still long at the Piatti Tennis Center. The center of Bordighera, recently renovated with the reconstruction of the bottom of all four fields, is prepared for a three days very intense, that from Monday, November 29th to Wednesday, December 1st will see the home of coach Riccardo Piatti host the latest form of the 13 Fit Training Course for National Technician, the highest qualification in the federal ranking of tennis teachers. For three days the group of (future) technicians who in December will discuss their thesis will listen to the various speakers who will alternate in the course, focused mainly on the famous "Piatti method", but also on the organizational model of the plant and not only. Four macro-areas of work: Riccardo Piatti and video analyst Simone Bertino will illustrate the method, from practice to theory. The director of the center Luigi Bertino will explain the organizational principles, fundamental to operate a structure that counts on an operating staff of over thirty people. The doctor Riccardo Ceccarelli and sports psychologist Alice Ferrisi will talk instead of the training system Mental Economy Training and the project Formula Medicine, arrived at the Piatti Tennis Center for a few weeks. Finally, the physical trainer Dragoljub Kladarin and the osteopath (and master) Alessio Abbondanzieri will talk about physical area and prevention, illustrating the work of interconnection between the trainer and the coach.
"These modules for national technicians - explains Luigi Bertino - are held in the best tennis schools in Italy, and we are happy to host one for the first time. The task of the speakers will be to illustrate our method, providing a complete picture of both how to work at the Tennis Center Dishes, on and off the pitch, and the tools used daily".
A beautiful showcase for downtown activities and also for what has always been one of the greatest goals of coach Dishes, which aims to train teachers together with players. Speaking of players: in the same days of the training course for technicians, the Piatti Tennis Center will also host a rally (the third, after those of July and October) with some of the best under the Italian scene and the technical direction entrusted to Piatti, assisted by his staff. This time it will be up to the category under 12 male, with some new faces and others already passed by Bordighera in the two previous appointments. A concomitance, that between course for technicians and gathering for the future talents of our tennis, which is very symbolic, towards the great goal of transmitting knowledge and skills to all, young and old. For three days, the Piatti Tennis Center will see its role as a super training workshop, for the talents of tomorrow and for those who will guide them.